Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Must Play: Mortal Kombat Mythologies

Heeellllooooo Ladies and Gentlemen!!!!

Welcome back to another Must Play and this weeks' is Mortal Kombat Mythologies!!!!

Lets see where do I start?...... Oh I got it This game is AMAZING!!!

Anyone who has played this game knows what I'm talking about, an actual GOOD Mortal Kombat adventure game. Don't get me wrong Shaolin monks was good but not like this bad boy here but thats for a later time.

I remember renting this from blockbuster, thats how old I am. But anyway this game is a prequel to....are you ready?.....(dramatic music).... Mortal Kombat!


This game is loads of fun, from its combos, to leveling up sub-zero, to boss battles, just everything about it is soooooo goood!!!! well maybe except for one know what it is. If you played it on the PS1 then you got the full motion cutscenes but for the N64 users, we were given snap shots of the cutscenes with text to read -_- but that's okay!! cause it gave the game even more depth to it....kinda...idk....story was ok....kinda....   :)

And the music, oh man dont even get me started. I have a few on my iPhone and this one right here is my favorite one

If you ever missed this underrated game during its time, go and pick it up! you can find it online for about 10 bucks which is a really good deal. That's it for today but please remeber to subscribe,
like us on facebook
and follow me on twitter @dudemofoable
                                                         And until next time happy gaming

Monday, October 15, 2012

Must play: Mischief makers

MAN I AM SORRY FOR NOT FOLLOWING UP!!!!! Again work and school is killing me so I'm not able to post much but I'm going to try......key word there is "try"

Ok lets move on shall we?

So this weeks' or months' or whatever, must play is Mischief Makers!    

This is one of those games where only few people have played it and if you're not one of them, Shame on you!!! Jk but seriously play this game. Go to your garage or attic or storage center, grab your n64 out or steal one and buy this game and play it!!

Simplicity is great when done right and this is an example of that. Everything you do in the game is grabbing shit and shaking it. Walking or running around you see a ball, grab it and shake it. You see an enemy? Grab it and shake it. You say your stuck? GRAB SHIT AND SHAKE IT!!!!!! That's it and it's a puzzle/platformer so you need to figure out what to do. You can't just go left to right and then be like "DONE!!" You need to GRAB AND SHAKE!!! ok I'm done.......kinda

Even with the boss battles you have to figure out exactly how to hurt them. The game wants you to use your head and not be mindless people starring at the tv. This game is freaking intuitive and is well worth the $6-$15 price tag, depending on where you buy it. Amazon has it pretty cheap.

 Also make sure you read what the people say, it'll help :) no seriously make sure you are READING!!!! cause the game warned did.

It said "make sure you are collecting those gems!!" And i was like

wasn't a pretty sight once I got towards the end of the game -_-

This game was developed my "Treasure" but do you really care about that stuff? Let me know with the comments!!!

Soo if you dont have this game and want to buy it, either go to or I would suggest lukiegames only because you get points on your purchases so you can use those points on your next purchase.

That's it for today but please subscribe to my blog or check me out and like me on Facebook at
Follow on twitter @dudemofoable

And until next time, happy gaming :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Top 5 games of the month

Wow! sorry everyone for not posting up anything in awhile, just been busy with school and work so this post is going to be a short one. This is what has kept me busy for a good while

It's all cross hatching and hatching =0

This is the first Top 5 of many to come and I just wanted to let all of you know that this list is solely based on my opinion so if you don't agree with the list, that is totally fine because again its based off my opinion :) Lets begin!!!!

5.    With the release of DMC coming closer, I decided to play all 3 of them to see if its still up to par. For the majority it is! well except for DMC2.....

4. Resident evil at its best! This version of the game also has more weapons and modes to play with guaranting you some replay value :)

3. OMG this game is GOOD!!!!! It is fun and addicting especially with the DK bongos. I cant explain how it us but just using the bongos to make DK move and just have to play it to know what I mean.

2. This game taking place in an asylum and the joker has taken over it?!?!?!?! mind=blown!! yeah the end boss wasn't great, but getting there was really the fun part :)

1. I love the 16 bit donkey kong games and this game did not disappoint. The game is truly at its best when played with a buddy but you can play it by yourself, its just as good :)

Well that's it, sorry again for not posting up but school and work take a lot out of me. Well hope you enjoyed my top 5 and until next time, happy gaming :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Must Play: Pokemon!!!


Welcome back everyone!!!! This weeks 'Must Play' is Pokemon!!!!

Need I say anything at all?!?!?!?!?!?!? Just go play any pokemon game you can your hands on and re-live your childhood. For the peeps who haven't played must be like 2 because everyone and their mother have played pokemon.

I recently started playing Pokemon Sapphire because I had bought my cousin Pokemon Emarld version from and the kid was selling all 3 GBA games!!! So I got emarld, ruby, and sapphire!!! Anyway before I lose track, I was already playing Pokemon Soul Silver when he told me to play one of the other games so we could battle and I jumped right in. Kids nowadays will never really experience playing with someone else with a link cable.

So I had to choose from either ruby or sapphire and I already played ruby when it came out because my brother got it for me, so I decided to play the sapphire version. This is gonna sound weird but I prefer ruby over sapphire and the only reason for it is because it was the game I played as a kid. See told you it was weird and don't get me wrong it's still extremely fun and addicting.

     Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire are my favorite versions out of all of the series but I still haven't played Pokemon Black or White or even the second ones, but as of right now ruby and sapphire are my picks. That's pretty much it go and play Pokemon!!! Do it!!! (insert accent here)  DO IT NOW!!!!!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Must play: Rocket Knight Adventures


Welcome back everyone and this is another "Must play" entry. This weeks game is Rocket Knight Adventures for the Sega Genesis.

This game is amazing on so many levels. The level design is fantastic and the game mixes it up every once in awhile. It was released in 1993 and by Konami, (same makers as the contra games and TMNT IV) so you know it's going to be good! You'll start out on foot for the first level because its gotta teach you the basics of the game and there will be levels where you are on your jetpack and it keeps it from being dull. As you progress through the game, it'll get harder (duh) and the whole time you are fighting pigs! PIGS! When you attack your enemies you can charge up your attacks using your jetpack. Its useful but at times deadly because you will be bouncing all over the screen and you can full into a pit or spikes or enemies and get hurt. Thankfully it's never frequent, or rather if you do get hit, most of the time I'd be your own fault. The point is, the charge shot/attack is controllable.

The soundtrack is really good, you need to play it to feel the music with the levels, if have played it or are going to play it then you'll know what I'll mean. I can't explain the music with words, its that good :)

I dont want to keep rambling on the game because I want you to enjoy it and I promise you its extremely fun/addicting. So go play this Game (<---- click on "Game" another surprise like last time :D) right now! RIGHT NOW!!!! BTW the website I send you guys to isn't the best place to play it. To get the full experience is to have with the original console or at least an emulator solely because this website has to have the game speed up a bit and it kinda ruins the music. But I at least want to give you guys a place to be able to at least try it. :) Have a nice day everyone and Happy gaming :)


Does this look familiar?


Good morning everyone!!!! Wanted to let you know that I'm currently working on a game quickie but also that I'll be posting a new blog very soon, most likely within the next hours. Sorry for not posting anything in awhile, just been pretty busy. Take care everyone!!! :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Dudemofo :): Must play - Contra Hard Corps

Dudemofo :): Must play - Contra Hard Corps: Hello everyone!!!! This is the first entry of many when I talk about a game that YOU (yes you the reader) MUST play the game. This weeks g...