Welcome back everyone and this is another "Must play" entry. This weeks game is Rocket Knight Adventures for the Sega Genesis.
This game is amazing on so many levels. The level design is fantastic and the game mixes it up every once in awhile. It was released in 1993 and by Konami, (same makers as the contra games and TMNT IV) so you know it's going to be good! You'll start out on foot for the first level because its gotta teach you the basics of the game and there will be levels where you are on your jetpack and it keeps it from being dull. As you progress through the game, it'll get harder (duh) and the whole time you are fighting pigs! PIGS!
The soundtrack is really good, you need to play it to feel the music with the levels, if have played it or are going to play it then you'll know what I'll mean. I can't explain the music with words, its that good :)
I dont want to keep rambling on the game because I want you to enjoy it and I promise you its extremely fun/addicting. So go play this Game (<---- click on "Game" another surprise like last time :D) right now! RIGHT NOW!!!! BTW the website I send you guys to isn't the best place to play it. To get the full experience is to have with the original console or at least an emulator solely because this website has to have the game speed up a bit and it kinda ruins the music. But I at least want to give you guys a place to be able to at least try it. :) Have a nice day everyone and Happy gaming :)
Does this look familiar?
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